This article is a typical example of an essay on Aliens and Space

This article is a typical example of an essay on Aliens and Space

After going from city to city when you look at the Starship, we where hunting for a place to remain at.

We had left Earth because I became being taken over by the aliens that where discovered from other planets. We knew we might encounter other aliens while exploring other planets so we took proper precautions and brought the protection we would need through out of the trip. We where going in outer space so the aliens wouldn’t normally track us and follow us to destroy us.

We had arrived to the first planet and just by looking at it, it appeared to be this planet had not been going to become our home for long. We got out from the starship merely to anyway explore it. We started to walk around on earth and then we felt shaking constantly. I thought it had been just constant earthquakes and which they never stopped, but I knew I became wrong whenever I saw lots of creatures just running around. I knew these people were making the shaking because of the amount of creatures. It appeared to be the creatures where hostile because they were fighting with themselves and with one another. We turned around and walked the other way to a canyon as we landed on the planet that we had seen. This planet was weird, it was very dry and there appeared to be there is no supply of water due to how dry it absolutely was. Even as we looked on the canyon I told my brother Jack, “Look how deep the canyon is, and how steep.” He replied, “Yea dude, it appears to be pretty nasty down there. I believe we ought to just go and tell father and mother that this place it pretty weird so we can’t live here.” I agreed with him for once in a number of years, so we headed back to the starship to take off. We got back into the ship and the ones a couple of those creatures we had saw spotted us and came toward us pretty fast. We just went in the starship and didn’t turn back. Those creatures ignored us and merely turned around and went back with there herd.

We shot to popularity looking for another planet to reside on.

We where a family that is nomadic kept moving from place to place without knowing what was going to be there. As we headed for the following planet my cousin and I also had started a conversation. We where talking about how we could have been best off just staying there on earth rather than just getting lost and not know in which the hell we where. He was babbling on and on about that and I really would not give a care but I paid attention just because he had been my brother and I needed to focus on him or he would tell my dad and mom. My mom and dad were form of stupid i do believe. They never paid attention to me since they thought Jack was Gods greatest creation or something. They spoiled him a complete lot and I was just there to accomplish things for him.

We were coming up on the planet that is next I was getting my buddy and myself all set to go explore our planet. We had trouble landing since there was so trees that are many rocks.
There was water here, a lot of water was here, which was crashing up against the sides of this cliff. This place was scary simply by looking at it. When my buddy and I got out of the ship to begin looking he saw something by the blink of his eye around he thought. I told him he was crazy and therefore he had been things that are seeing. He denied he saw that I knew what. I acquired a little suspicious when I saw something at the corner of my eye. It looked like something was hunting and that it was surrounding us, getting ready for the attack on us. We went back into the ship and got our laser guns. We went back out and raised the door back up aided by the remote. We went walking to see if that which we saw was for real or if perhaps it had been just a figment of our imagination. We went behind the rocks and then we could hear things but could not see things. We saw something like blushes moving around. It looked as though they certainly were invisible so we just kept on walking to see when we could find any thing else and simply to check the planet out. Those blushes started initially to follow us and whenever we did something quick or fast paced they would jump back quick. It didn’t appear to be those creatures would attack us since they would flinch back if we moved quickly. We were only available in this one direction that they type of let us to. It absolutely was this cave that is big was pretty big and there was clearly another creature that people could see. This creature appeared as if it had been an apelike figure or something. This started to become only a little scary and my brother that is little was to get scared also. All of the creatures that are invisible not invisible any longer, they all were creatures which were willing to have supper and then we were likely to be it. My buddy was getting really scared now. I whispered to him, “Don’t worry. Shoot the apes because of the exit of the cave and I shall make sure the other apes don’t do anything.” He did when I told him and I backed him up. We where in *&!% as much as our knees, all of the apes started yelling and so they all started to become invisible again. I began to run to the exit with my brother at my side plus the blushes where all in the real way of the cave exit. I became really clueless as to the was going to happen next. I tried to scare the apes nevertheless they would not react or do any thing except get even mad. The apes walked forward which meant we had to walk backwards into the big apelike creature. I essay help was just as scared as my brother did and was n’t know very well what to complete. The top apelike creature asked us, “What is the business doing here.”
“We are exploring planets to see what type is livable, and this planet is out of the question I think”, was the thing I said. Most of the apes started laughing, particularly the big one. He then said, “This planet let me reveal our planet and whoever invades it will be killed.”
Then I replied, “Well then, i believe we must get our butts outta here don’t you think big ape.”
Which was what I called him on accident because it just came out. I believe he was offended by it because he started laughing. My buddy then said, “Hey big sir. Could you let us go please?” The sir that is big the polite way to speak with the guy I had found out by my cousin. He always pulled me out of my stumps and I was glad I was pulled by him using this one. I assume my cousin did get him to allow us go because the big ape told us, if you leave now rather than keep coming back.“ I shall let you guys go” We agreed to never come back and apologized to your ape that is big.