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Hey now. If it wasnt for your Bush Administration, we wouldnt maintain this BIG BIG mess. Obama needs to clean it up so now everyone software downloads blames him. Bush brought us NAFTA & CAFTA which permit companies to send our jobs from the country and then sell the merchandise within the US without getting Taxed so companies pay people 20 cents an hour or so then sell products tax free in the US.. THAT is WHY we now have this mess. Quit blaming anybody whos attempting to fix things as well as he is black, thats one more reason why Republicans want him away from office & also because hes a democrat.

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So in summary, many people could possibly be pleased to sign up for free services or use free software in substitution for them being used being a product for companies to market, but for people that arent, those that would prefer to purchase the licence fees beforehand (which arent cheap for retail versions of Windows Professional) we now have nowhere left to visit once our download free soft ware current version of Windows goes out of support. This is why when Microsoft does it its a big deal.

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